Thursday, January 6, 2011

Farewell 2010

Note to self: here is the year that was...

2010 Year list = 1018 species seen (↑) from 4 countries, of which
* 580 species from Peru was a huge boost
* ~375 species were lifers
* First bird of the year = Bearded Screech-Owl
* Last bird of the year = Black-throated Blue Warbler

On the way, I:
* saw 2 species in Canada for the first time (=) (Curve-billed Thrasher & Yellow-throated Warbler)
* saw 4 species in Manitoba for the first time (↑) (Rock Wren, Lazuli Bunting, Curve-billed Thrasher & Yellow-throated Warbler)
* submitted 5654 records for 254 Breeding Bird Atlas squares
* completed 383 point counts
* did 1 BBS (=), and co-lead 1 CBC (=)
* submitted 2004 ebird checklists (↑) (5th highest in Canada)
* published one peer-reviewed article and several other articles (↓)

Lots of room for improvement in 2001, but hey, since the first bird of the year was a Barn Owl, it’s gotta be a good year!

1 comment:

  1. That 's an impressive list of accomplishments.Good luck in 2011.
