Sunday, April 13, 2014

the critically endangered Chinese Crested Tern

Once feared extinct, and with fewer than 50 mature individuals in the world, the critically endangered Chinese Crested Tern is one of the rarest birds in the world. They breed on islands in the Strait of Taiwan and visit the Minjiang Estuary on Fujian’s coast typically in May – June. It is therefore hard to describe the emotion I felt when two of these magnificent birds flew in and landed at the estuary on April 5th (one of the earliest records ever) – I think I am still in a state of shock!

曾经我们担心中华凤头燕鸥已经灭绝, 现在知道在整个世界有少于50!
中华凤头燕鸥筑巢在台湾海峡的一些小岛, 5,6月到闽江. 因此, 45日在闽江口看到两只飞过来上滩, 很难交待那一刻的情感. 我还不敢相信!


  1. Another important discovery for these terns:


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