Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Nocturnal owl Surveying
It is Nocturnal Owl Survey season here in Canada and two
nights ago I was treated to a few rewards before my survey got started – a pair
of Barred Owls (Strix varia) duetting
in the evening light (photo below shows the male, based on voice) and a Canada
Lynx walking along the dirt road! Although common in some parts of their range,
Barred Owls occur in low densities in Manitoba
and are always a treat for us here.
The following night, I came across 4 Long-eared Owls (Asio otus) displaying in a clearing in a
jack pine stand. The owls sometimes glided and sometimes zig-zagged over the
clearing and would periodically clap their wings below them producing an
audible “snap” noise (such aerial display also seen in other Asio species such
as Short-eared Owl). Both sexes were involved as I heard both male and female
voices, although I can’t be sure who was clapping. I took a little time in between
survey routes to try to photograph this behaviour but was unsuccessful,
although I got these shots of a calling bird (presumed male based on voice) at
the edge of the clearing. I couldn’t stay long because I had to go on and do
other surveys but it was sure hard to tear myself away from the performance.

Sunday, April 13, 2014
the critically endangered Chinese Crested Tern
曾经我们担心中华凤头燕鸥已经灭绝了, 现在知道在整个世界有少于50只 !
中华凤头燕鸥筑巢在台湾海峡的一些小岛, 5月,6月到闽江口. 因此, 4月5日在闽江口看到两只飞过来上滩, 我很难交待我那一刻的情感. 我还不敢相信!
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