Like a bird on the wire
Like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free (Leonard Cohen)
Thanks Leonard for the poetry and the music. By way of a small tribute,
here are four photos of juvenile Eastern Screech-Owls (taken by me in
Winnipeg, Manitoba).
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Manitoba's Painted Redstart
Manitoba's first and Canada's third Painted Redstart (Myioborus pictus), also known as "Painted Whitestart", showed up in Pinawa 11 days ago. This species breeds from Arizona and New Mexico down through the mountains of western Mexico into Nicaragua. Although the southern populations are resident, the populations in the southern U.S.A migrate south. Sometimes, the phenomenon of "reverse migration" takes a bird in the wrong direction, presumably due to a miscue of the innate (genetic) aspect of migration. In this case, instead of heading south towards Mexico this Painted Redstart has flown north to Manitoba and found itself in Pinawa. Its behaviour over the past 11 days suggests it has set up a winter territory in a small residential area. Currently it has enough to eat and appears very healthy (flying well and foraging actively) but its prospects of escaping winter's inevitable grip are slim. For now though, the balmy November weather southern Manitoba is enjoying is keeping our rare visitor in fine form and a steady stream of birders have come to watch this rarity. Seeing this bird today along with northern species like Hoary Redpoll, felt a little surreal. The four photos below show the bird perched, feeding by gleaning invertebrate prey from bark, and calling. Most interesting for me was to observe how it foraged like a nuthatch (third photo) in an effort to glean food from bark crevices (and also dead insects presumably from gutters and the like).
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Brief visit to Alberta
I enjoyed a recent visit to Alberta to attend the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef and the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef and specifically to look at what these roundtables can do for the plight of declining grassland birds. I also enjoyed a little birding on the weekend following the meetings from the foothills west of Calgary. In addition to my previous two posts on the Northern Pygmy-Owl and the Clark's Nutcracker, here are a few images from this area.
I start with two scenery shots of the foothill country, coated in a light dusting of snow and hoarfrost in early October to give you a sense of the landscape.
There were some thoroughly enjoyable mammal sightings in this beautiful landscape including several elk. This magnificent male was rubbing his heard on a tree, seemingly with great relish:
There were lots of opportunities to observe Mule Deer, including this stotting pair. The stott of the Mule Deer (a jump with all four legs leaving the ground and landing at once), and some other deer and gazelles, is considered by many to be a form of "honest signalling", i.e. telling a predator "I am so fit you will never be able to catch me".
And this Red Fox posed for just long enough to allow a few photos:
There were some thoroughly enjoyable raptor sightings as well, not least of which were five Golden Eagles seen migrating along the foothills east of the Rocky Mountains within a few hours. This is a first year bird with more white in the underwing than adults. These huge and magnificent Aquila eagles are always a great pleasure to watch!
There were many Rough-legged Hawks on the move and this female on a frosty perch was too striking not to take a habitat photo.
One of the highlights was watching two Common Ravens mobbing an adult Northern Goshawk. Ravens are of course a large and audacious species but the Northern Goshawk is an apex predator that is not to be trifled with. Unintimidated by those powerful talons, the ravens escorted the Accipiter "off the premises".
The handsome male American Kestrel also warranted a quick stop! The only other falcon seen was a flyby Peregrine Falcon.
I did not spend a lot of time looking for waterfowl but did record an impressive number of Hooded Mergansers. This male (not in breeding plumage) chasing a female Common Merganser was rather comical. The size difference was immediately apparent.
One of the first passerines I saw on this trip was the Mountain Chickadee. This species is endemic to the mountainous regions of western North America and I seldom get to see them so I especially enjoyed photographing this one with a caterpillar.
Although I am used to seeing the other two chickadee species that were present in the flocks here (Black-capped and Boreal), I couldn't resists a few photos of Boreal Chickadees of perches laden with snow and hoarfrost:
A first-year Northern Shrike also provided a thoroughly enjoyable photo opportunity, albeit distant.
And I photographed a few other familiar faces such as this American Tree Sparrow:
And this Rusty Blackbird on yet another frosty perch:
A thoroughly enjoyable short trip with special thanks to Doug Collister and family!
I start with two scenery shots of the foothill country, coated in a light dusting of snow and hoarfrost in early October to give you a sense of the landscape.
There were some thoroughly enjoyable mammal sightings in this beautiful landscape including several elk. This magnificent male was rubbing his heard on a tree, seemingly with great relish:
There were lots of opportunities to observe Mule Deer, including this stotting pair. The stott of the Mule Deer (a jump with all four legs leaving the ground and landing at once), and some other deer and gazelles, is considered by many to be a form of "honest signalling", i.e. telling a predator "I am so fit you will never be able to catch me".
And this Red Fox posed for just long enough to allow a few photos:
There were some thoroughly enjoyable raptor sightings as well, not least of which were five Golden Eagles seen migrating along the foothills east of the Rocky Mountains within a few hours. This is a first year bird with more white in the underwing than adults. These huge and magnificent Aquila eagles are always a great pleasure to watch!
There were many Rough-legged Hawks on the move and this female on a frosty perch was too striking not to take a habitat photo.
One of the highlights was watching two Common Ravens mobbing an adult Northern Goshawk. Ravens are of course a large and audacious species but the Northern Goshawk is an apex predator that is not to be trifled with. Unintimidated by those powerful talons, the ravens escorted the Accipiter "off the premises".
The handsome male American Kestrel also warranted a quick stop! The only other falcon seen was a flyby Peregrine Falcon.
I did not spend a lot of time looking for waterfowl but did record an impressive number of Hooded Mergansers. This male (not in breeding plumage) chasing a female Common Merganser was rather comical. The size difference was immediately apparent.
One of the first passerines I saw on this trip was the Mountain Chickadee. This species is endemic to the mountainous regions of western North America and I seldom get to see them so I especially enjoyed photographing this one with a caterpillar.
Although I am used to seeing the other two chickadee species that were present in the flocks here (Black-capped and Boreal), I couldn't resists a few photos of Boreal Chickadees of perches laden with snow and hoarfrost:
A first-year Northern Shrike also provided a thoroughly enjoyable photo opportunity, albeit distant.
And I photographed a few other familiar faces such as this American Tree Sparrow:
And this Rusty Blackbird on yet another frosty perch:
A thoroughly enjoyable short trip with special thanks to Doug Collister and family!
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Portrait of a Nutcracker
The Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana) has an exceptional spatial memory, being capable
of hiding and refinding thousands of seeds and nuts. Another
interesting fact about this species is that both sexes incubate the eggs
and the male develops a brood patch (unusual in the Corvidae - crow
family). There are only three species in the genus:
Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana) of western North America
Spotted Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes) of Eurasia
Large-spotted Nutcracker (Nucifraga multipunctata) of Kashmir
and their closest relatives are the ground-jays (Podoces) of Asia and the choughs (Pyrrhocorax) of Eurasia. In all three of thee genera the bill is rather long and slightly decurved.
On a recent brief visit to Banff National Park, Alberta Canada, I took a few minutes to get to know this magnificent denizen of montane coniferous forests a little better. The first photo shows a nutcracker in their habitat
And the second photo gives a closer look but still offers a typical view of one perched near the trunk of a conifer.
And finally an upper body portrait to show off their simple elegance and beauty:
Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana) of western North America
Spotted Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes) of Eurasia
Large-spotted Nutcracker (Nucifraga multipunctata) of Kashmir
and their closest relatives are the ground-jays (Podoces) of Asia and the choughs (Pyrrhocorax) of Eurasia. In all three of thee genera the bill is rather long and slightly decurved.
On a recent brief visit to Banff National Park, Alberta Canada, I took a few minutes to get to know this magnificent denizen of montane coniferous forests a little better. The first photo shows a nutcracker in their habitat
And the second photo gives a closer look but still offers a typical view of one perched near the trunk of a conifer.
I finish with two portraits. First a vertical composition, showing the underparts and the undertail, and which I think captures some of the bird's personality:
And finally an upper body portrait to show off their simple elegance and beauty:
Monday, October 10, 2016
Northern Pygmy-Owl
The Northern Pygmy-Owl (scientific name differs by taxonomy; IOC: Glaucidium californicum; AOU: G. gnoma) is Canada's smallest owl and the only pygmy-owl (Glaucidium) that occurs here. This tiny little resident is found mostly in the mountains of western North America (in Canada mostly in British Columbia but it does occur east of the Continental Divide in westernmost Alberta).
After a recent conference in Banff, I managed to photograph two Northern Pygmy-Owls. The first was along the Bow Valley in Banff National Park and the second in the foothills east of the park. The first five photos below show the first of these two owls. I was lucky to spot this bird atop a pine near dusk and, even better, watched it fly down to an aspen and then dive into a spruce to grab a small bird.
The first photo below (followed by a crop of the same photo) shows of the owl with the snow-covered mountains in the background:
This mountain shot also shows the owl's 180 degree head turn:
This is the point where the pygmy-owl dove into the spruce. Although I suspected it was hunting I wasn't sure at first...
until it emerged with a small bird (looking at the photos later I suspect the prey was a Dark-eyed Junco). As this was right at dusk, I suspect the junco has already settled in to roost for the night (I have watched Eastern Screech-Owls grab prey at the roost like this several times):
These next two photos show the second owl in the foothills east of the Rockies; the first perched high atop some hoarfrost laden needles and then in a leafless aspen.
I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed the thrill of seeing these tiny owls. Special thanks to Doug Collister and family for their exceptional hospitality!
After a recent conference in Banff, I managed to photograph two Northern Pygmy-Owls. The first was along the Bow Valley in Banff National Park and the second in the foothills east of the park. The first five photos below show the first of these two owls. I was lucky to spot this bird atop a pine near dusk and, even better, watched it fly down to an aspen and then dive into a spruce to grab a small bird.
The first photo below (followed by a crop of the same photo) shows of the owl with the snow-covered mountains in the background:
This mountain shot also shows the owl's 180 degree head turn:
This is the point where the pygmy-owl dove into the spruce. Although I suspected it was hunting I wasn't sure at first...
until it emerged with a small bird (looking at the photos later I suspect the prey was a Dark-eyed Junco). As this was right at dusk, I suspect the junco has already settled in to roost for the night (I have watched Eastern Screech-Owls grab prey at the roost like this several times):
These next two photos show the second owl in the foothills east of the Rockies; the first perched high atop some hoarfrost laden needles and then in a leafless aspen.
I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed the thrill of seeing these tiny owls. Special thanks to Doug Collister and family for their exceptional hospitality!
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Harlequin Duck, Delta Marsh IBA
This is short post to document the Harlequin Duck found by Matt Gasner on Sunday 28th as part of the Delta Important Bird Area blitz ( and seen yesterday by Bonnie Chartier and Liis Veelma and then found by Jo Swartz and myself early this morning. I have also added two photos of the lingering second-cycle Lesser Black-backed Gull at PR 227 dump (as earlier identified by Amar Ayyash from photos submitted by Donna Martin) and a photo of the Red Knot found by Colin Blyth and team on the Delta IBA blitz on August 28th and photographed by me on August 29th. Another highlight of the blitz was a flock of at least 34 Buff-breasted Sandpipers. Can you see any of them them in the last photo below (I gave you help with 4 of them by pasting 4 cropped sections in the top row)?

Monday, August 22, 2016
Pledge to take Birds "Under Your Wing"
Our colleagues at Environment Canada have launched a brilliantly simple initiative - make a pledge to take birds under your wing in one of eight simple ways:
Friday, August 12, 2016
Manitoba Miracle
Some of you may have already
heard or read about the Manitoba government's interview with the CBC
late this afternoon:
so I can finally share the news that we have enjoyed a little bit of a Manitoba miracle this year. A pair of Piping Plover has nested successfully. This is the first Piping Plover nest in the province since 2012 and the first successful nesting attempt since 2010 here.
This was a lot of work and nerve-racking at times but thanks to a small dedicated team this pair fledged three chicks in a probable re-nesting situation. Bird Studies Canada ( worked in partnership with the province's excellent stewardship to make this story a success. I would especially like to thank ALL those involved for a truly outstanding piece of work!
so I can finally share the news that we have enjoyed a little bit of a Manitoba miracle this year. A pair of Piping Plover has nested successfully. This is the first Piping Plover nest in the province since 2012 and the first successful nesting attempt since 2010 here.
This was a lot of work and nerve-racking at times but thanks to a small dedicated team this pair fledged three chicks in a probable re-nesting situation. Bird Studies Canada ( worked in partnership with the province's excellent stewardship to make this story a success. I would especially like to thank ALL those involved for a truly outstanding piece of work!
Another story based on an interview I did with The Wildlife Society was recently published at:
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