It was an enormous honour to see the Alianza del Pastizal (Grasslands Alliance - see: in action at the 9th Southern Cone Grassland Ranchers Meeting. This alliance is an amazing conservation initiative that is doing the Birdlife International network proud! Those of us striving for meaningful conservation in North America’s grasslands could learn a lot from Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil and their remarkable collaboration that offers great hope for South American grassland (“pampa”) threatened species as well as over-wintering Bobolink, Upland Sandpiper, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, American Golden-Plover and others. Thank you to the Alianza del Pastizal for the generous invitation and to my many Brazilian friends who were so generous and hospitable and to all those new colleagues for a profound dose of inspiration. Special thanks to John Beaver of National Audubon who co-presented with me in Spanish in front of 460 people! Special thanks to the Schad Foundation for supporting Bird Studies Canada’s grassland bird research and conservation initiatives. I gave my impressions at the meeting here:
(y en espaƱol
para mis amigos hispanoparlantes a:
Here is the group photo on the final day, followed by a photo of John and I presenting and a snapshot of the meeting summary that talks about our presentation (in Spanish):.
After having so greatly enjoyed the chance to see how the
Alianza del Pastizal is working in the Southern Cone grasslands of Argentina, Uruguay,
Paraguay and Brazil, I
decided to share a few photos of some of the avian beneficiaries of this
conservation initiative.
Red-winged Tinamou (Rhynchotus
If you are surprised by the association of birds and cattle
it is important to remember that these grasslands have been home to endemic
bird species for a long time and they have been home to their share of
megafauna over evolutionary history. Today, one of the key practices is
controlled stocking rates so that the grasslands are not degraded and still
provide cover for species like this large Red-winged Tinamou and you can see
the tall grass in this photo. At 36 cm in length this somewhat chicken-like
tinamou is about the size of a small grouse. The tinamous are a single ancient
family (Tinamidae) within the order Tinamiformes. They only occur in the
Neotropics and although they may look like grouse and quail they are not
closely related at all (they are closer to the ratites).
Spotted Nothura (Nothura maculosa), Cerro Verde, Brazil
Another grassland tinamou in this area is the beautifully
cryptic Spotted Nothura, also in the tinamou family but much smaller than the
previous. You may have to look twice to spot this bird hiding in the tall grass.
Greater Rhea
(Rhea americana)
The southern cone grasslands are home to two ratite species
– the rheas (there is also a third species of rhea in South
America’s montane desert). The ratites are of course large
flightless birds that include the largest extant species of birds. The Greater
Rhea stands about 130 – 140 cm tall (not nearly as large as an ostrich) and
they roam the pampas and some other open habitat types of southern South America. They are mostly reliant on natural
grassland; however, they make good use of the well managed pastures of the Alianza
ranchers. Apparently they have a skill to be able to walk between or under the
wires of the cattle fences, although I have not witnessed this myself.
Giant Wood-Rail (Aramides
In the wet grass surrounding one of the many lagoons and
shallow wetlands of Cerro Verde, we were greeted to magnificent looks at the
elegant Giant Wood-Rail. Although a member of the rail family (Rallidae), these
large inhabitants of the pampas are not nearly as secretive as many other
Grassland Yellow-Finch (Sicalis
In the tall grass we find the Grassland Yellow-Finch, a small but elegant grassland species that is
easily located by their display flight and song. Like many grassland birds
around the world, delivering their song from above the grasses (in flight) helps it to carry further.
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)
A familiar face occurs here too. Unlike in Canada however, these Burrowing Owls
are not migratory and their populations are doing well in the area (they also
occur in urban areas here).
Sadly though, I didn’t manage to photograph any North
American migrants on this short trip, nor was there time to seek out some of the
rarest inhabitants of the region. I shall return one day to explore the
Southern Cone grasslands more thoroughly! I especially want to see the progress of the Alianza del Pastizal and what they are doing for grassland birds!
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