The humid Atlantic
Forest of southeastern Brazil
is an area of rich endemism and biodiversity. Although not nearly as long or
tall as the Andes in western South America, the Serra Do Mar Mountain
Range reaches nearly 3,000 m ASL and is separated from the Andean montane
forests by a large area of more open habitat types. These open habitat types are the lowland Chaco region (Gran Chaco, in essence a large depression
of Bolivia, Paraguay, northernmost Argentina and a small part of western
Brazil) and the Pantanal. The atlantic rainforests are also separated from the dense Amazonian rainforests by the intervening
belt of relatively open and drier Caatinga and the Cerrado habitats (paler
green in map below). On the Google Earth image below this belt
of darker rainforest can be seen in the pink oval, although note that it also extends northward
a fair distance in a very narrow belt along the coast and (now) patchily
The Atlantic
forest, in particular the lowland portions, is a highly endangered ecosystem,
possibly now reduced to a mere 7% of its former extent (according to
The endemic bird area of Atlantic forest lowlands is in critical shape
( though the mountain
EBA is not considered quite as severely threatened (due to access limitations).
You can view a polygon map of the Atlantic forest on the WWF site at although note
that much of this area no longer contains intact rainforest. With the already
major and expanding urban centers of Sao Paolo and Rio de
Janeiro placed in the heart of the Atlantic Forest,
it is not hard to understand the pressure that these forests now face.
To give you a little sense of the
forest that once covered this rugged coastal region, here are two photos from
Intervales State Park, part of an important connection of five protected areas. The first photo shows a view from the Carmo Road and the second shows flowering trees
(Ype) around the lake.
To introduce the owls of this area in
taxonomic sequence we must start with the Barn Owl family (Tytonidae). The Barn Owl is
the only tytonid found in South America and it
occurs in this region too. Some taxonomists treat this as the "American Barn
Owl (Tyto furcata)" but the IOC still
lists this species as Tyto alba. We start with an image of a roosting adult Barn
Owl, followed by a series showing two families of immature (recently fledged)
youngsters. As you can see, they
are fairly common around human habitation, including urban areas.
Next we move to the Strigidae or
“true owl” family. The genus Megascops
or “screech-owls” is found throughout the Americas
and there are three species in southern Brazil The first is the widespread
Tropical Screech-Owl, smallest of the three screech-owl species that occur
here. Tropical Screech-Owls are polychromatic
(contain 2 or more colour morphs) so here are photos of the three main morphs
of this species (there is quite a range of variation): first grey, then brown
then red. I added a second photo of the red morph bird to illustrate it
hunting, focused on a sound on or near the ground. The call of the Tropical Screech-Owl is very
distinct and is the best way to distinguish this species from the others!
There are two screech-owl species
that are endemic to the Atlantic rainforest region. The Black-capped Screech-Owl (shown below with its dark crown) has
the more northerly distribution of these two similar species, mostly along the
coastal forests from Sao Paolo state northward and also somewhat inland in
forested areas. The photo below show a rufous morph Black-capped Screech-Owl at
Intervales State Park. Note the dark cap of this
owl and the large size (noticeably larger than Tropical Screech-Owl). The song
is also very different. I couldn’t resist compiling the collage of three photos
below showing slightly different postures.
Larger still than the Black-capped
Screech-Owl, the range-restricted Long-tufted Screech-Owl, also known as the
Santa Catarina Screech-Owl, has a more
southerly distribution within this region and is endemic of the southern
portion of the Atlantic rainforest from southeastern Brazil
to Uruguay and northeastern Argentina. This
is a large screech-owl with a well marked pattern below and a beautiful rich
face colour with a dark and thick facial disk. The species gets its English
common name from the bushy ear-tufts but these do not show well in these photos
(posture relaxed, tufts lowered). The adults in these photos are of the brown
morph, which seems to be the most common (grey and red morphs also exist). This
series shows a pair bringing a moth and another invertebrate prey item (appears
to be a beetle) to a recently fledged chick. If anyone is able to identify
either of the prey item please get in touch with me. The third photo shows one
of the adults diving off the perch to hunt (it looks as though one leg is still
touching the perch but in fact both feet are off the perch, one being mostly visible
and the other being already tucked mostly into the feathers). Interestingly the
chick shows the same rich facial colouration as the adults.
One of the larger owls of
southeastern Brazil
is another regional endemic in the Pulsatrix
genus (the “spectacled owls”, name for the pale facial marking surrounding
the eyes), the Tawny-browed Owl. The
Tawny-browed Owl is found in the
regions humid forests and also in the regions high elevation Araucaria forests
(Araucaria is a genus of coniferous trees from the Southern Hemisphere with a
bizarre distribution in only South America and Australasia, including some
Pacific islands, and which includes the famous "monkey puzzle tree"
of Chile). The rich colour and distinctive patterning of this large owl is
reason enough to admire them but their indescribable call, like other Pulsatrix owls, will send shivers down
your spine! At 44 cm, the Tawny-browed
Owl is a large owl; however this is the smallest of the three species in
the genus Pulsatrix (some authors
split it to give a fourth species though not widely accepted). This genus is
Neotropical in distribution with the largest species, the Spectacled Owl, being
widespread in the region, the Band-bellied being Andean and the Tawny-browed
being endemic to the Atlantic forest. Many other owls in the Atlantic forest
seem to fear the Tawny-browed Owl or
at least they seem to stop singing when there are tawny-brows around. I shared three photos below:
The genus Bubo (large “horned” owls)
does not have an endemic species in the Atlantic forest region; however there
is a disjunct population of Great Horned Owls here. In this region (as often
elsewhere), this species mostly occurs in more open lightly wooded habitats
rather than in rainforest proper, including more savannah like habitat such as
the “Caatinga”. Despite this
disjunction, they look and sound quite similar to Great Horned Owls elsewhere
(voice was a little deeper than I am used to in Canada and eyes more orange). I
found this species when I heard the distinctive hissing scream of a begging
immature owl. While I was trying to sneak a look at the youngster, this adult
flew in right above my head. You can tell that this owl is stressed by the
posture, the erect ear tufts, and especially by the raised rictal bristles that
reveal the nostrils (when relaxed, the rictal bristles lay flat to cover the
nostrils to protect them from dust). I realised this of course as I was raising
my lens, so I very quickly snapped three photos and then left the area.
The region also has a Pygmy-Owl who
may be endemic – I say “may be” because the taxonomy of this tiny owl is still somewhat
controversial. More “generous” (i.e. more likely to split species complex into
multiple species) taxonomies consider the East Brazilian Pygmy-Owl, also known as
Sick’s Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium sicki),
whereas others consider this taxon to be part of the more widespread Least
Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium minutissimum) complex. At only 14cm in length, this is
one of the smallest owl species in the world. We had to work very hard to get
views of this little bird calling high in the canopy!
In addition to the endemics discussed above, there are various other non-endemic species of owls who occur in southern Brazil. I have already given an example above with the comparison of Black-capped Screech-Owl, Long-tufted Screech-Owl and Tropical Screech-Owl. In many cases in fact, the various genera shown here have both a regional endemic and a more widespread species that occur in sympatry in southeastern Brazil. As a general rule, the endemics are the more habitat specialized and the endemics have stronger associations with particular regional habitat types. In the case of the Pygmy-Owls, the widespread congenitor of the East Brazilian (Least) Pygmy-Owl is the Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl. This species is a little larger than the East Brazilian Pygmy-Owl and has differences in crown pattern, tail pattern and call. You can compare the two by looking at my photo below of Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl; however, the above photo of Least Pygmy-Owl is really too poor to show the differences well at all.
Needing no introduction, the
widespread Burrowing Owl, the Athene species of the Americas, also
occurs here but in more open habitats such as fields and urban areas and also
in sandy coastal areas. The first photo shows a bird in open “cerrado” habitat.
The second photo shows an unusual dark-eyed and dark-plumaged individual from
an urban area. I had not seen this dark-eyed mutation previously anywhere in South America.
The genus Strix (large round-headed forest owls) is also represented in
southern Brazil
by three species; two widespread South American species and one regional
endemic, the beautiful Rusty-barred Owl. Although very similar in appearance to other
owls of their genus, I found the rufous and white barred pattern much more
beautiful than depicted in any illustration. The last two photos show the wing
droop display posture as two birds (possibly a third) interacted.
The Mottled Owl is a widespread forest species that extents all the way
from this region to southern Mexico,
although sometimes the Central and North American form is considered distinct leaving
Mottled owl as confined to South America. This
species often stays fairly high in the canopy as seen here.
Related to the above two species is the more widespread Black-banded
Owl. The extremely distinctive black and white owl species (Black-and-white
Owl and Black-banded Owl) that were formerly considered in their own genus Ciccaba are now considered to belong to
the genus Strix. The Black-banded Owl
is mostly a lowland species and occurs in greater densities in the Amazon
region, although there is a smaller disjunct population in southeastern Brazil.
I was delighted to spot this bird perched high up by their eyes shine, while I
was walking in a rather disturbed forest patch, as they were not calling at all
in the post-breeding season (as with other species).
The genus Asio has two representatives here (there is also a third species,
the Striped Owl that I did not manage to photograph that is sometimes
considered to be an Asio). We start
with the widespread and famous Stygian Owl. This species gets its name from the
River Styx of Greek mythology (entrance to the underworld) because of its dark
and “horned” (devilish) appearance. This exceptionally beautiful owl was
roosting in the tall shade trees of a town square. This sequence shows how the
roosting owl became alert when a flock of White-eyed Parakeets landed
nearby (not quite clear if the parakeets were mobbing the owl but they certainly
got its attention) and then settled back down and started preening. Note the change in posture and the position of the ear-tufts.
The well-known and cosmopolitan Short-eared Owl also occurs in open grassy
habitats in this general area, although it is rather urban in distribution
pattern in this part of Brazil.
I was lucky to see this owl in the city of Americana where a conservation project exists
to steward the owls and their habitat (see previous post).
Last but certainly not least comes the magnificent genus Aegolius and the incredible Buff-fronted Owl, the only Aegolius species found in South America and quite an avian enigma. After so many years of dreaming of seeing this bird and so many sleepless nights in the dry forest of Peru, Ecuador and elsewhere, I finally managed to see this species in the cerrado habitat north of São Paolo with “a little help from my friends” Cal Martins, Gustavo Pinto, Norton Santos and the enthusiasm of young Matias Ternes who first told me about the Dourado site. Although my visit was at the wrong time of year and although we heard nothing on the first night, on the second evening, after heavy rain, we had an incredible moment of luck when we found this owl with a prey item that appears to be a small bird, possibly a seedeater (the diet of this species is very poorly known). This was well worth the “slide” there and back on treacherous muddy roads. I felt it worth sharing a few points of interest. When the owl turned its head, I noticed that this species has interesting markings on the back of the head that somewhat resemble a false face (vaguely similar to its congenitor Boreal Owl and not unlike the Northern Hawk Owl, but not nearly as obvious as in the pygmy-owls). Unfortunately I didn’t manage a good photo of this. Although I have read about this feature in Boreal Owl, I had not seen this referred to in the literature for Buff-fronted Owl. This bird from southeastern Brazil is the iheringi subspecies, which has sometimes been suggested to be specifically different from the Andean nominate race, although the differences seem relatively minor. The three photos below show the owl with prey, then a side view that show nicely how the long bill is angled down so as not to interfere with the owl's binocular vision and finally a back view that gives a little bit of a sense of the false-face-like pattern on the rear of the head.
Huge thanks to my Brazilian friends for their extraordinary hospitality! Comments most welcome!
Wow !! What an amazing and educational post ! I loved it !!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge Chris !
ReplyDeleteAn educational report on Brazilian owls. Thank you for this class!
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